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counselor in jacksonville

Dr. Sean P. Meyer, CRC, CVE, NCC, ACS, CEAP
Licensed Mental Health Counselor, Qualified Supervisor - Florida
Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor - Ohio

We All Have a Story to Tell...

Let me start by first thanking you so much for taking the time to learn a little bit about me and my practice.  


I've always had a passion for helping people, so it seemed almost natural to pursue an education that would prepare me to help people in my "next life," after retiring from the military. I was accepted into the University of Hawaii at Manoa's rehabilitation counseling program, whereby I found my passion - working with individuals with disabilities to overcome barriers that prevent them from achieving full-inclusion in society. Shortly thereafter, I pursued my doctorate in psychology, earning a post-graduate degree in psychology along the way and, ultimately, ended this journey by successfully completing my doctorate in psychology. 

Since retiring from the military, I've had the opportunity to work in several behavioral health settings, to include community behavioral health, intensive outpatient treatment, and more recently, as an onsite employee assistance program consultant and counselor for several major companies with campuses located in Jacksonville, Florida. 


I enjoy working with diverse clientele and appreciate the unique perspectives that individuals bring with them to the therapeutic relationship. I am a cognitive-behavioral therapist by training and provide a friendly, warm, and person-centered approach to counseling, helping my clients to recognize their strengths and brainstorm opportunities for overcoming their challenges towards achieving what we're all seeking in life - mental HEALTH.


We all have a story to tell. What's your story?  


Education and Professional Qualifications



Doctor of Philosophy (PhD)

Walden University, Minneapolis, MN



Master of Philosophy (MPhil)

Walden University, Minneapolis, MN



Master of Science (MS)

University of Hawaii at Manoa, Honolulu, HI

Rehabilitation Counseling - Focus: Psychiatric Disabilities 


Bachelor of Healthcare Administration (BHA)

University of North Florida, Jacksonville, FL


Associate of Applied Science (AAS)

Community College of the Air Force, Maxwell AFB, AL

Emergency Management


Associate of Arts (AA)

University of Phoenix, Tempe, AZ

General Studies




State of California
Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor

State of Florida

Licensed Mental Health Counselor

State of Ohio
Licensed Professional Clinical Counselor 

Board Certifications

National Board for Certified Counselors
National Certified Counselor (NCC)

Additional Certifications

Commission on Rehabilitation Counselor Certification
Certified Vocational Evaluator (CVE)

Commission on Rehabilitation Counselor Certification

Certified Rehabilitation Counselor (CRC)

Center for Credentialing and Education
Approved Clinical Supervisor (ACS)

Employee Assistance Professionals Association
Certified Employee Assistance Professional (CEAP)

The Academy of Modern Applied Psychology
Certified Mindfulness Practitioner

Selected Refereed Publications and Presentations

Meyer, S.P. (2021). Rehabilitation counseling students' perceived LGB competence: Implications for curricula development (Doctoral dissertation). Available from ProQuest Dissertations and Theses Global


Meyer, S.P., & Gauler, A. (2018). Preparing therapists to address intersectionality: Disability and sexuality. Poster session presented at the convention of the American Psychological Association, San Francisco, CA.


Meyer, S.P., & Yamamoto, K.K. (2018). Therapist self-disclosure of disability status: Exploring the therapeutic benefits & implications. Poster session presented at the convention of the American Psychological Association, San Francisco, CA.​


Meyer, S.P., & Yamamoto, K.K. (2016). A new frontier in multicultural counseling: Preparing VR counselors to work with LGBT clients. Manuscript submitted for publication.


Meyer, S.P., & Gauler, A. (2016, August). Career counseling LGBT clients with disabilities: Trainees' skills and competencies. Poster session presented at the convention of the American Psychological Association, Denver, CO.


Gauler, A., & Meyer, S.P. (2016, August). Therapist self-disclosure of sexual orientation in today's world. Poster session presented at the convention of the American Psychological Association, Denver, CO.


Yamamoto, K.K., & Meyer, S.P. (2016, April). Improving VR counselor trainees' skills and competencies with LGBT clients with disabilities. Concurrent proposal presented at the annual meeting of the National Council on Rehabilitation Education, Newport Beach, CA.


Gauler, A., & Meyer, S.P. (2015, August). Counseling military lesbian, gay, and bisexual (LGB) members after repeal of DADT: Training needs. Poster session presented at the convention of the American Psychological Association, Toronto, ON.


Meyer, S.P., & Gauler, A. (2015, August). Counseling LGBT clients with disabilities: Skills and training needs for counseling professionals. Poster session presented at the convention of the American Psychological Association, Toronto, ON.


Harrison, J.P., & Meyer, S. (2014). Measuring efficiency among U.S. federal hospitals. The Healthcare Manager, 33(2), 117-127.


Gauler, A., & Meyer, S.P. (2014, August). Counseling gender and sexual minority clients: Graduate students needs revisited. Poster session presented at the convention of the American Psychological Association, Washington, D.C.

© 2021 Sean P Meyer Consulting, LLC

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